
Langue: en

Version: 2009-02-27 (fedora - 05/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter - Tab-delimited data for Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI objects


Example 1: Using the default columns

     use Bio::SearchIO;
     use Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter;
     my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new();
     my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter->new();
     my $out = Bio::SearchIO->new( -writer => $writer );
     while ( my $result = $in->next_result() ) {
         $out->write_result($result, ($in->report_count - 1 ? 0 : 1) );

Example 2: Specifying a subset of columns

     use Bio::SearchIO;
     use Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter;
     my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new();
     my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter->new( 
                                   -columns => [qw(
                                                   )]  );
     my $out = Bio::SearchIO->new( -writer => $writer,
                                   -file   => ">searchio.out" );
     while ( my $result = $in->next_result() ) {
         $out->write_result($result, ($in->report_count - 1 ? 0 : 1) );

Custom Labels

You can also specify different column labels if you don't want to use the defaults. Do this by specifying a "-labels" hash reference parameter when creating the HSPTableWriter object. The keys of the hash should be the column number (left-most column = 1) for the label(s) you want to specify. Here's an example:

     my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter->new( 
                                -columns => [qw( query_name 
                                                 hit_length  )],
                                -labels  => { 1 => 'QUERY_GI',
                                              3 => 'HIT_IDENTIFIER' } );


Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter generates output at the finest level of granularity for data within a search result. Data for each HSP within each hit in a search result is output in tab-delimited format, one row per HSP.

Available Columns

Here are the columns that can be specified in the "-columns" parameter when creating a HSPTableWriter object. If a "-columns" parameter is not specified, this list, in this order, will be used as the default.

     query_name             # Sequence identifier of the query.
     query_length           # Full length of the query sequence
     hit_name               # Sequence identifier of the hit
     hit_length             # Full length of the hit sequence
     round                  # Round number for hit (PSI-BLAST)
     expect                 # Expect value for the alignment
     score                  # Score for the alignment (e.g., BLAST score)
     bits                   # Bit score for the alignment
     frac_identical_query   # fraction of identical substitutions in query
     frac_identical_hit     # fraction of identical substitutions in hit
     frac_conserved_query   # fraction of conserved substitutions in query
     frac_conserved_hit     # fraction of conserved substitutions in hit
     length_aln_query       # Length of the aligned portion of the query sequence
     length_aln_hit         # Length of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
     gaps_query             # Number of gap characters in the aligned query sequence
     gaps_hit               # Number of gap characters in the aligned hit sequence
     gaps_total             # Number of gap characters in the aligned query and hit sequences
     start_query            # Starting coordinate of the aligned portion of the query sequence
     end_query              # Ending coordinate of the aligned portion of the query sequence
     start_hit              # Starting coordinate of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
     end_hit                # Ending coordinate of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
     strand_query           # Strand of the aligned query sequence
     strand_hit             # Strand of the aligned hit sequence
     frame                  # Reading frame of the aligned query sequence 
     hit_description        # Full description of the hit sequence
     query_description      # Full description of the query sequence

For more details about these columns, see the documentation for the corresponding method in Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI.


Figure out the best way to incorporate algorithm-specific score columns. The best route is probably to have algorith-specific subclasses (e.g., BlastHSPTableWriter, FastaHSPTableWriter).


Mailing Lists

User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:


Steve Chervitz <>

See the FEEDBACK section for where to send bug reports and comments.

Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Chervitz. All Rights Reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


This software is provided ``as is'' without warranty of any kind.





Note: this method is not intended for direct use. The SearchIO::write_result() method calls it automatically if the writer is hooked up to a SearchIO object as illustrated in the SYNOPSIS section .

  Title     : to_string()
  Usage     : print $writer->to_string( $result_obj, [$include_labels] );
  Argument  : $result_obj = A Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object
            : $include_labels = boolean, if true column labels are included (default: false)
  Returns   : String containing tab-delimited set of data for each HSP
            : in each Hit of the supplied ResultI object. 
  Throws    : n/a


  Title   : end_report
  Usage   : $self->end_report()
  Function: The method to call when ending a report, this is
            mostly for cleanup for formats which require you to 
            have something at the end of the document.  Nothing for
            a text message.
  Returns : string
  Args    : none


  Title   : filter
  Usage   : $writer->filter('hsp', \&hsp_filter);
  Function: Filter out either at HSP,Hit,or Result level
  Returns : none
  Args    : string => data type,
            CODE reference