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Version: 2003-09-25 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::mcoder - Emulate the mcoder module


   package MyClass;
   use Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::mcoder 
            [qw(get set)] => [qw(color sound height)], 
            proxy => [qw(runner run walk stop)], 
            calculated => weight;
   sub _calculate_weight { shift->ask_weight }


This module emulates the functionality of the mcoder module, using Class::MakeMethods to generate similar methods.

For example, the following lines are equivalent:

   use mcoder 'get' => 'foo';
   use mcoder::get 'foo';
   use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash 'scalar --get' => 'foo';

You may use this module directly, as shown in the SYNOPSIS above, or you may call "use Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::mcoder '-take_namespace';" to alias the mcoder namespace to this package, and subsequent calls to the original package will be transparently handled by this emulator. To remove the emulation aliasing, call "use Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::mcoder '-release_namespace'". The same mechanism is also available for the ``sugar'' subclasses.

Caution: This affects all subsequent uses of the mcoder module in your program, including those in other modules, and might cause unexpected effects.


See Class::MakeMethods for general information about this distribution.

See Class::MakeMethods::Emulator for more about this family of subclasses.

See `` mcoder'' for documentation of the original module.