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Version: 175707 (fedora - 06/07/09)

Section: 8 (Commandes administrateur)


readdump - Utility to examine dumpfiles created by the Coda backup facility


readdump [dumpfile]


The readdump program is an interactive facility to allow the user to get information from a dump file produced by the Coda backup mechanism. For now it is simply a way of looking at the information in a dump file. One cannot use it to modify the dump file.

The readdump program supports the following commands:

openDumpFile <dumpfile>
.IP • .IP n(el.
.IP • .IP n(el.
.IP • .IP n(el.
setIndex <index type>
.IP • .IP n(el.
.IP • .IP n(el.
skipVnodes <nVnodes>
.IP • .IP n(el.
.IP • .IP n(el.

readdump uses the ci command interface, which allows the use of unique prefixes for commands. Unspecified parameters will be prompted for, and default values can be used. The showHeader command prints out the header of the dump, which is seperate from the header of the volume that was dumped. The showVolumeDiskData prints out the header of the volume.

The dump contains two streams of vnodes, one for directories and one for files and symbolic links. The setIndex command specifies to readdump which stream you wish to examine. Once an index has been specified, the nextVnode command displays the next Vnode (object) in the stream. Note that movement through the stream is one-directional. To revisit a Vnode, use the setIndex command to reset the program back to the beginning of the stream. One can jump through the index by use of the skipVnodes command, which takes the number of vnodes to skip, and reads past (without displaying) that many vnodes in the stream.

Future Work

Usage of this facility should suggest more commands to help administrators parse dumpfiles. In particular, a command to seek ahead to a specified offset in the dump would be useful.


merge (8), backup (8), volutil (8), Coda Manual


David C. Steere, 1991, Created