
  • Sortie de Qt Creator 4.1.0, avec un modèle de code et une analyse statique Clang mis à jour et une extension pour le langage Nim (Dé
    Sortie de Qt Creator 4.1.0 Beta
    avec deux nouveaux thèmes plats et une efficacité améliorée en mémoire et dans l'éditeur visuel Qt Quick

    La prochaine version de Qt Creator, numérotée 4.1, s'approche : une préversion Beta est maintenant disponible. La fonctionnalité la plus visible est, à nouveau, purement esthétique, avec deux nouveaux thèmes plats : l'un sombre, l'autre clair. Ils sont disponibles dans les options de l'EDI.

    En coulisses, Qt Creator gère mieux les ressources disponibles :...
  • Node-RED Update Tech Talk (IBM Developerworks)
    Node-RED co-creators Nick O’Leary and Dave Conway-Jones describe and demonstrate some of the new features that make it even faster to create and debug flows, as well as where they see the project heading in 2017.
  • Installing CentOS 7.2 on IBM Power System S822LC for high-performance computing (HPC) with a USB device (IBM Developerworks)
    Use this article to install CentOS on an IBM Power System LC server with a USB device. This installation is specifically for installing CentOS on an IBM Power System (OpenPOWER) server.
  • vCPU hotplug and hotunplug using libvirt v2 (IBM Developerworks)
    This article talks about how to perform a virtual processor (vCPU) hotplug/hotunplug operation using libvirt version 2 in a PPC64LE environment.
  • Quantum computing for everyone, a programmer’s perspective (IBM Developerworks)
    About a week ago, IBM launched Quantum Experience. The cornerstone of this initiative is to make a real, working quantum computer available for anyone. This blog discusses Quantum Experience, gives the basics while trying to dwell as little as possible on Algebra or Physics and, at the end, we’ll build a simple algorithm and discuss the results.
  • Guide to port Linux on x86 applications to Linux on Power (IBM Developerworks)
    This article describes how to port your Linux® C/C++ applications from the x86 platform (Intel® or AMD) to IBM® PowerLinux™ using the following straightforward, step-by-step process. First, learn what it takes to prepare for the port and then follow the implementation tips to get your 32-bit or 64-bit x86 code running on PowerLinux.
  • Getting started with Neo4j on IBM Power Systems running Linux (IBM Developerworks)
    Neo4j on IBM Power Systems running Linux is an ideal solution for managing big data workloads. In this article, you can learn how to install Neo4j and begin using it with your application and data set today.
  • Using Trusted Boot on IBM OpenPOWER servers (IBM Developerworks)
    IBM OpenPOWER servers provide a firmware level security feature known as Trusted Boot. Trusted Boot helps defend against a boot code cyberattack by helping to verify that your server is running only authorized firmware. Integrity of your firmware is vital to the security of your system. Trusted Boot works by taking measurements of the executable boot code as the server boots and recording these measurements to a dedicated hardware security module known as the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). Together with a process known as remote attestation, you can use the data in the TPM to verify the integrity of your server's boot code.
  • Sortie de Qt 5.7.1, une version de maintenance apportant les correctifs de Qt 5.6.2 et d'autres encore (Dé
    La nouvelle version de Qt, numérotée 5.7.1, vient de sortir. Elle contient tous les correctifs des défauts livrés avec Qt 5.6.2 (la branche 5.6 ayant une maintenance à long terme), mais aussi pour des fonctionnalités nouvelles avec Qt 5.7.

    Voir aussi : tous les changements apportés à Qt 5.7.1 par rapport à Qt 5.7.0.

    Télécharger Qt 5.7.1.
  • Learn Linux, 101: Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs (IBM Developerworks)
    Learn how to run the same job every day, week, or month. And learn how to schedule a single job when system usage is low, or when you would ratherspend your time in other ways. You can use the material in this tutorial to study for the LPI 102 exam for Linux system administrator certification or to learn for fun.